
Dies irae English Localization Project Commences!

Created by Dies irae World Emanation Project

The goal of this Kickstarter is to deliver to you an English-localized Steam release of the visual novel "Dies irae ~Amantes amentes~"

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Complete OST Release
over 6 years ago – Tue, Dec 19, 2017 at 10:41:32 PM


Hello Everyone,

The OST is now ready for release. Please see below for download instructions.


OST Release Info

The previous update concerning the OST along with the song list can be found at the 
following link:
The complete digital OST will be distributed through BackerKit, the same as the first OST release. For information about the previous OST release, please see the following update:
The song data will come as WAV files. The file size has exceeded the single download limit for BackerKit, so the OST has been separated into 7 file downloads.

How to Get the Complete Digital OST

Log into your BackerKit account with your survey link or BackerKit registered email and password. (If you have lost your survey link, you can request a new one HERE , then enter your email address that you have registered with Kickstarter and hit "Get My Survey".)
When you are logged in, there will be a “Get Your Digital Downloads” button which will bring you to your Digital Downloads page and a list of downloads available to you. You will find 7 files labeled “Dies irae Complete digital OST” among the list.

The file names change after uploading to BackerKit, so it will be necessary to delete the string of numbers and letters (uploads…2F) before the capital C of Complate for each of the seven file names before the files can be unzipped.
Example: >>
We hope this soundtrack will let you enjoy the world of Dies irae even more.


Updates concerning the PS Vita version and international shipping are forthcoming, and we would like to ask again for your patience until then. Thank you all for your support and perseverance.



OST Song List / OST

※Digital OSTに関するアップデートはこちら
音楽ファイルはWAV形式での配信となります。 Backerkitでの制限容量を超えてしまったため、7つのファイルに分割して配布いたします。 
ファイルを正常に解凍するために、7つのファイルすべてについて、大文字のCより前の数字と文字(uploads ... 2F)をお願い致します。
例 : →
① リンクの取得ページへ 下記アドレスにてマイページへのリンクが取得できます。 
② マイページへのリンクを取得 「Lost your survey?」の項目にメールアドレスを入力します。 「Get my Survey」を押すと、メールアドレス宛にマイページへのリンクが送付されます。 (メール内 [1]: の後に記載されているリンクとなります。 )
① マイページにログインし、ページ上部にある「GET YOUR DIGITAL DOWNLOADS」の項目から、ダウンロードできます。
このサウンドトラックで、「Dies irae」の世界観をよりお楽しみいただければ幸いです。
vitaや海外発送については、必ずアップデートで皆様にお知らせを行いますので、もう少々お待ちください。 今後もDies iraeをよろしくお願い致します。 

R18 Patch Release (Repost for BackerKit Backers)
over 6 years ago – Tue, Dec 19, 2017 at 10:41:21 PM

This is a repost of the December 16th update for the R18 patch release. The previous update was marked for Kickstarter backers only, so if you are a BackerKit backer, please read on for the R18 patch download link and information. We apologize for the error.


R18 Patch Release

Hello Everyone, We have made you wait a long time for the R18 “patch” release, but it is finally here thanks to your continuing support.

This patch will allow all backers to play “Dies irae ~Acta est fabula~”. We hope you will enjoy the English version of this much lauded work.

There are a few differences between the two versions as detailed below.

・“Acta est fabula” contains H-scenes.

・The additional routes and Other Stories added from “Amantes amentes” are not present.


R18 Patch Instructions

1.      Download the “” file through the link below.


2.      After unzipping, copy the file to the folder containing the English version of “Dies irae ~Amantes amentes~”.

3.      In the folder you copied the file to, run the file named “malie_fabla.exe”. You will now be able to play the English version of “Dies irae ~Acta est fabula~”.

*Please Note

The specifications of this patch will not allow “malie_fabla.exe” to run unless you have already cleared one of the “Dies irae ~Amantes amentes~” routes.

We please ask for



Through an incomplete explanation concerning the patch, we had led many to believe that both versions would be released at the same time. This has resulted in confusion and disagreeable feelings for many backers. We deeply apologize and are truly sorry for the mistakes we have committed.

We will have an update concerning the PS Vita version in a coming update. Until then, we beg your patience.











このパッチにより、支援者の皆様は「Dies irae ~Acta est fabula~」をプレイすることができるようになります。 多くの好評を得た本作の英語版を、ぜひお楽しみいただければと思います。


・「Acta est fabula」にはHシーンがあります。

・「Amantes amentes」で加えられたルートとアナザーシナリオはありません。




1. 以下のリンクより「」をダウンロードしてください。 


2. 解凍して出てきたファイルを、英語版「Dies irae ~Amantes amentes~」があるフォルダにコピーしてください。

3. コピーしたフォルダ内で「malie_fabla.exe」を起動することで、英語版「Dies irae ~Acta est fabula~」をプレイすることができます。


パッチの仕様として、英語版「Dies irae ~Amantes amentes~」でいずれかのルートをクリアしていなければ、「malie_fabla.exe」が起動しないようになっています。 申し訳ございませんが、ご了承をお願い致します。



本パッチについては、私たちの説明不足により、とても多くの方に「両バージョンを合わせたものを配布する」という誤解をさせてしまいました。 その結果、多くの支援者の皆様の混乱を招き、不快な思いをさせてしまいました。


また、近いアップデートでvita版についても皆様に説明をしたいと思います。 それまで、申し訳ございませんが、もう少々お待ちくださいますようお願い致します。  

OST Song List / OST & “R18 Patch” Release Dates
over 6 years ago – Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 09:33:48 PM


Hello Everyone, 

The song list for the complete song track digital download has been compiled and is posted below. This is the complete list of all music used in “Dies irae ~Amantes amentes~”.



01. Einsatz (full) 3:36

02. Einsatz (short) 1:40

03. Gregorio (full) 4:31

04. Gregorio (short) 1:46

05. Über den Himmel (full) 6:32

06. Über den Himmel (short) 2:07

07. Jubilus (full) 5:19

08. Jubilus (short) 2:04

09. Sanctus (full) 5:18

10. Sanctus (short) 2:33

11. Shade And Darkness (full) 2:57



12. Burlesque 1:59

13. Mein Kampf 2:08

14. Kirschwasser 2:24

15. Arbeit macht Frei 1:47

16. Nacht der langen Messer 3:09

17. Jenzeits 3:28

18. Mors Certa 3:03

19. Krieg 2:31

20. Deus Vult 2:41

21. Holocaust 2:04

22. Juggernaut 1:56

23. Letzte Bataillon 3:56

24. Et in Arcadia ego 4:47

25. Walhall 3:37

26. Schutz Staffel 2:52

27. Cathedrale 1:51

28. L∴D∴O 3:36

29. Unus Mundus 2:17

30. Noli me Tangere 1:07

31. Odi et Amo 2:13

32. Bottomless Pit 3:16


34. Ewige Wiederkunft 4:48

35. Dumme Marionette 3:18

36. Kriegsschaden 2:06

37. "Lohengrin" 2:36

38. Dies irae "Mephistopheles" 3:58

39. Gö tterdammerung 5:21

40. Disce libens. 2:19

41. Omnia Vanitas 2:47

42. Einherjar Nigredo 2:20

43. Einherjar Albedo 2:44

44. Einherjar Rubedo 3:15

45. Thrud Walküre 3:40

46. Sol lucet omnibus 3:02

47. Rozen Vamp 2:51

48. Ω Ewigkeit 3:05

49. α Ewigkeit 2:51

50. Amantes amentes 5:01

51. Omnia vincit Amor 4:02

52. Einsatz (ringtone) 0:26

53. Über den Himmel (ringtone) 0:32 

Total time: 2:40:26(1.58GB)


As this is the full complement of music from Dies irae ~Amantes amentes~, much requested songs such as “Krieg” will of course be included.

The OST digital download preparations are underway, and the release is planned for next week on the 19th (JST). This complete version of the soundtrack will only be released as this digital data download. We please ask for your understanding and patience until the release date.


“R18 Patch” Release Date

The English version of “Dies irae ~Acta est Fabula~” (previously referred to as the “R18 patch” is scheduled for release this Friday, December 15th (JST). We sincerely apologize for how long it has taken and ask for these few more days.


We would once again like to acknowledge the many missteps we have made and give our sincerest apologies. We will continue making frequent updates and will do our best to ensure peace of mind as we move the project forward. 






デジタルデータで配布予定の完全版サウンドトラックについて、トラックリストが完成いたしました。 こちらには、Dies irae ~Amantes amentes~までに使用された全ての楽曲が収録されております。 トラックリストは下記の通りとなります。



01. Einsatz (full) 3:36

02. Einsatz (short) 1:40

03. Gregorio (full) 4:31

04. Gregorio (short) 1:46

05. Über den Himmel (full) 6:32

06. Über den Himmel (short) 2:07

07. Jubilus (full) 5:19

08. Jubilus (short) 2:04

09. Sanctus (full) 5:18

10. Sanctus (short) 2:33

11. Shade And Darkness (full) 2:57



12. Burlesque 1:59

13. Mein Kampf 2:08

14. Kirschwasser 2:24

15. Arbeit macht Frei 1:47

16. Nacht der langen Messer 3:09

17. Jenzeits 3:28

18. Mors Certa 3:03

19. Krieg 2:31

20. Deus Vult 2:41

21. Holocaust 2:04

22. Juggernaut 1:56

23. Letzte Bataillon 3:56

24. Et in Arcadia ego 4:47

25. Walhall 3:37

26. Schutz Staffel 2:52

27. Cathedrale 1:51

28. L∴D∴O 3:36

29. Unus Mundus 2:17

30. Noli me Tangere 1:07

31. Odi et Amo 2:13

32. Bottomless Pit 3:16


34. Ewige Wiederkunft 4:48

35. Dumme Marionette 3:18

36. Kriegsschaden 2:06

37. "Lohengrin" 2:36

38. Dies irae "Mephistopheles" 3:58

39. Gö tterdammerung 5:21

40. Disce libens. 2:19

41. Omnia Vanitas 2:47

42. Einherjar Nigredo 2:20

43. Einherjar Albedo 2:44

44. Einherjar Rubedo 3:15

45. Thrud Walküre 3:40

46. Sol lucet omnibus 3:02

47. Rozen Vamp 2:51

48. Ω Ewigkeit 3:05

49. α Ewigkeit 2:51

50. Amantes amentes 5:01

51. Omnia vincit Amor 4:02

52. Einsatz (ringtone) 0:26

53. Über den Himmel (ringtone) 0:32

合計 2:40:26(1.58GB)



こちらには、ご要望の多かった「Krieg」や他の楽曲についても全て収録されておりますので、是非お楽しみいただければと思います。 デジタルデータのみの配布となってしまい大変心苦しいですが、ご了承をおねがい致します。 

実際の配布につきましては、データの準備などございますので、12月19日を予定しております。 配布まで、今しばらくお待ちいただきたく思います。



大変お待たせいたしました。 R18パッチの公開日ですが、12月15日(金曜日)を予定しております。 公開までもう少々お待ちください。


改めまして、この度のプロジェクトにおける不手際の数々を謝罪致します。 誠に申し訳ございませんでした。 今後もこまめなアップデートを続け、支援者の皆様が安心できるよう尽力致しますので、何卒よろしくお願い致します。 

Reward Clarifications and Schedule Changes
over 6 years ago – Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 12:31:50 AM


Dear Backers,

Preparations for the shipping of the rewards and the 18+ patch have gone over schedule, and we must first apologize for the delay. In this update, we will address a number of issues that currently face the project. There has also been some overlap in published reward information with slight differences appearing, so we also hope to clear up any inconsistencies here


18+ Patch

*For the previous explanation of the R18 patch, please see the update here:  

We deeply apologize for our previous explanations regarding the patch, as it may have caused a misunderstanding amongst our backers.

To clarify, the 18+ patch is not a patch that adds 18+ content to "Dies irae ~Amantes amentes~", but rather an English version of “Dies irae ~Acta est Fabula~”. There has never been an 18+ version of “Dies irae ~Amantes amentes~” in Japan or elsewhere.

“Dies irae ~Amantes amentes~” and “Dies irae ~Acta est Fabula~” were previously sold separately, but this shall mark the first time these titles will appear together.

Furthermore, we also would like to elucidate on the game's resolution, in which we have also caused much uncertainty through our failure to adequately explain the situation.

The current Steam version of “Dies irae ~Amantes amentes~” can be played at 16:9, however, the English version of “Dies irae ~Acta est Fabula~” (previously described as the 18+ patch) will allow for both 16:9 and 4:3 aspect ratios.

4:3 in-production screen image
4:3 in-production screen image


16:9 in-production screen image
16:9 in-production screen image


There are plans to implement the 4:3 aspect ratio for the Steam version. However, it is difficult at this time to give a specific time frame as for its completion. There is much that we need to do to see the project through, and feel that our priorities must first and foremost lie with the rewards and the English version of “Dies irae ~Acta est Fabula~” (previously described as the 18+ patch). Once those have been completed, we shall tackle the aspect ratio issue and give a prompt update when the details have been confirmed.

Our lack of expertise has caused a great deal of trouble, and for this we are deeply regretful and offer our deepest apologies. We did not thoroughly examine the finer details at our original publication and have no one but ourselves to blame for the poor handling of the situation. Thus, it is with the sincerest humility that we ask for your understanding concerning the aforementioned issues.

As for the work in production, we are undergoing an even more thorough debugging and will make all necessary corrections to deliver a perfect experience. Once the release information is ready for confirmation, we will give another update. We humbly ask for your patience in the meantime.


International Shipping  

We are currently getting estimates from international shipping companies. As there are numerous merchandise items, differing item counts between individuals and many countries that need shipping to, it is taking us a long time to work through the orders. We will need further time to confirm shipping details, and again ask your kind patience until we can follow up with another update.


About the OST

*For the previous explanation of the OST, please see the update here:

Previous information concerning the differences between the digital and physical versions of the OST have been inadequate, causing dissatisfaction with many backers. Along with the deficiencies in explaining the R18 patch, we see this was cause for due concern, and give a full apology.

We had a discussion to address this inconsistency and came to the following: with the numerous faults that we have committed weighing heavily on us, we have decided to give the complete CD digital data to all backers who pledged for the digital and physical versions of the OST, including BackerKit backers.

Thus, the only difference between the digital and physical versions of the OST will be just that, whether it is the physical item or data only. The song list will be the same.

Given the circumstances, we believed this to be the fairest solution, and apologize to those of you who reasonably commented on the song list differences. This adjustment will be disappointing to some, but we please ask for your understanding.

The complete version of the OST has never been available in Japan, so it will take some time to put together a list of all the recorded songs. It is our promise that we will send the complete CD digital data to those applicable backers, and ask for the time necessary to make the adjustments. We will have an update once the song list is finalized. 



We would once again like to offer our most sincere apologies for the many mistakes we have made. With the delay in reward fulfillment, and the many misunderstandings that resulted from inadequate explanations including the 18+ patch, we have caused unfathomable trouble to all of you.

To ensure even a modicum of relief, we will be redoubling our efforts to give updates when developments are at hand. To provide accurate information in our postings, we will take great heed to carefully review our explanations and descriptions to establish that nothing is left out.





18+ Patch  



このパッチの内容は、『Dies irae ~Acta est Fabula~』の英語版をプレイできるというものであり、
英語版『Dies irae ~Amantes amentes~』にR18の要素を加えるものではありません。
つまり、私たちがR18パッチと言っているものは、英語版『Dies irae ~Acta est Fabula~』そのものであるということです。
日本国内においても『Dies irae ~Amantes amentes~』にR18パッチを加えた商品は販売されておらず、『Dies irae ~Acta est Fabula~』と『Dies irae ~Amantes amentes~』は別々に販売されております。

























Errors with Reward Fulfillment to Backers in Japan
over 6 years ago – Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 09:02:46 PM


Hello everyone,  

This is an announcement concerning fulfillment errors with certain tapestry rewards going to backers in Japan.  

After post-shipping follow up, we have confirmed a shipping mistake concerning the following rewards:  

  • Dies irae -Amantes amentes- First Edition B2 tapestry 
  • KS physical cover art B2 tapestry  

In addition, there has been a printing error with the Lotus & Rusalka KS exclusive tapestry. 

We give our sincerest apologies for the mistakes and for the egregious inconvenience these errors have caused. To all of our Japan-based backers that are experiencing any of the above mentioned trouble with their tapestries, we will resend the correct items following the schedule below. 

For backers in Japan who chose the “Dies irae -Amantes amentes- First Edition” and “KS physical cover art" B2 tapestries: 

Originally pledged for tapestries will be resent on Wednesday, November 15th. 

For backers in Japan who chose the "KS exclusive tapestry: Lotus & Rusalka" B2 tapestry: 

Corrected tapestries will be produced and sent post-haste when ready for affected customers. 

If you have received either the wrong tapestry or one of the defective tapestries, we kindly ask you to send back the item in error to the following address using cash on delivery. 

Greenwood Co., Ltd.
C/O Dies irae World Emanation Project
Homest Musashino Bldg 8F
1-13-3 Nakamachi, Musashino-shi, Tokyo
Japan 180-0006
TEL: 0422 (50) 0897 

We would like to assure all international backers that these issues will be addressed and resolved before international fulfillment begins. 

Concerning the schedule for international fulfillment, we are currently making adjustments with our partner companies. It will take some time yet before we come to a final delivery schedule, so we humbly ask for your patience in the meantime. 

We are deeply sorry for the inconvenience this has caused to all of you looking so forward to receiving your rewards. We are doing all we can to bring an expeditious resolution. 

Thank you so much for your kind understanding and support. 

From all of us here at light 



日本国内で発生しております、「Dies irae」世界流出プロジェクトのリワード発送における問題についてご報告させて頂きます。  


  • B2タペストリー「Dies irae -Amantes amentes- First Edition」 
  • B2タペストリー「KS physical cover art」   


さらに、リワードにございます「KS exclusive tapestry. Lotus & Rusalka」につきましても、印刷に不備が見つかりました。  





 ■「Dies irae -Amantes amentes- First Edition」「KS physical cover art」をお求めになられた方   

■「KS exclusive tapestry. Lotus & Rusalka」をお求めになられた方   



東京都武蔵野市中町1-13-3 ホーメスト武蔵野ビル8F
株式会社グリーンウッド Dies irae世界流出プロジェクト 係  




